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Master Money

15 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice 🍵

What’s Poppin’,

This is the Master Money Newsletter. The Newsletter that gives you a bite size portion of money knowledge that helps you improve every week.

Here’s what we have on deck today:

📗 Read: 15 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice

🎙️ Listen: How Much Should You Spend on a Vacation (By Income)?

🔵 Prime Day Blues

Well, it happened again.

Amazon Prime Day came like a thief in the night, and we saw deals galore. The rush of the buy now button got to you. Or maybe Meg Thee Stallion’s jingle is still in your head.

Now you feel regret. You wish you did not but those headphones (since you have 12) or that coffee maker that also grinds the coffee (but Andew it was $200 off!).

Most of things that were “on sale” were not actually on sale. They just increased the previous price to make it look like it was on sale.

This is just a reminder. You can always return the things you bought if they don’t bring you value. Just actually do it this time (I am terrible at returning things).

If they do bring you value, I am glad you bought them! Ball out!

🍵 15 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice

There is a lot of bad advice. I have seen countless get-rich-quick schemes, investing scams, and of course my worst enemy - life insurance salesman stating that it is an investment. You need to guard your eyes and ears when it comes to who you listen today. Today, ya boi wants to pop off on some misconceptions I see.

1. You can’t get rich working 9 to 5. This is just plain wrong. Your 9-to-5 job can absolutely make you rich with the right money management skills. The key? Put your money to work with every paycheck. Start early and watch your financial freedom grow. Here’s how:

  • Take advantage of company-sponsored retirement accounts like 401(k) and Roth IRAs.
  • Ask for raises and promotions. You might not always get a “yes,” but sometimes all you need to do is ask.
  • Show up every day. A strong work ethic can significantly improve your “luck.”
  • Switch companies regularly. Each move can net you a 15-20% raise.
  • Avoid bad debts. High-interest loans and credit card debts will kill your wealth-building efforts.

2. Follow your passion. Sounds great but often impractical. Your passion might not pay the bills, but your strengths will. Creative outlets like writing or woodworking are wonderful hobbies but might not be financially sustainable. Instead, pursue a career that aligns with your strengths and maximize your earning potential.

3. Save 10% and you’ll be set. This advice is outdated. Lifespans are lengthening, taxes are rising, and inflation is a constant. A 10% savings rate often isn’t enough for a traditional retirement. Aim to save and invest at least 20% of your paycheck. Fund your 401(k) and Roth IRA and build an emergency fund. Your future self will thank you.

4. College is useless. College graduates generally earn more than non-grads. Exceptions exist, but don’t count on being one. To manage costs:

  • Start at a community college, then transfer to a 4-year school.
  • Attend an in-state school to save on tuition.
  • Choose a marketable degree that offers good job prospects and salaries.

5. You only live once. This often translates to “spend your money on temporary pleasures.” Instead, achieve financial independence and then do whatever you want for the rest of your life. That’s true freedom.

6. Never use a credit card. Using credit cards responsibly can maximize your dollar. Benefits include points, building credit, fraud protection, airline miles, and purchase warranties. Yes, credit cards need to be used with caution, but they offer significant advantages when managed well.

7. Renting is throwing your money away. Homeownership is often more expensive than people realize, with taxes, interest, maintenance, and repairs. Renting can be the right financial move for many, providing flexibility and fewer responsibilities.

8. You gotta hustle 24/7. This leads to burnout. Rest and relaxation are crucial for productivity. Balance is key to a sustainable and healthy hustle.

9. There is no such thing as good debt. Not true. Smart debts can pay off, such as student loans, business loans, home equity loans, and sometimes mortgages. The blanket statement “all debt is bad” is overly simplistic and false.

10. Crypto is the future. Nobody knows this for sure. Never take advice from people who claim to predict the future. Be cautious with speculative investments.

11. Watching Netflix will make you poor. The issue isn’t Netflix; it’s a lack of motivation. Unmotivated people will find distractions elsewhere. Watch Netflix in moderation and stay focused on your goals.

12. Read 5,000 books a year. Reading is good, but doing is better. The marketplace values experience and action over the number of books you’ve read. Balance knowledge with practical experience.

13. Your credit score doesn’t matter. It does. A good credit score makes things cheaper, like car loans, mortgages, business loans, insurance rates, and security deposits. Employers and landlords might also check your credit.

14. Don’t worry about saving, just earn more. Earning more is great, but without good saving habits, you’ll just spend more. You can’t out-earn bad spending habits. Control your spending to truly benefit from higher earnings.

15. Investing is gambling. Unlike gambling, investing has a history of making many people wealthy. It’s not your salary, savings, or upbringing that will make you rich; it’s your investments. Be smart about where you put your money.

What would you add to this list?

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👍 Money Finds

Inflation's Impact on Retirement 📈👵

Of Dollars and Data explores the significant effects of inflation on retirement savings and spending. The article delves into strategies to protect your retirement income against inflationary pressures, ensuring that your financial future remains secure despite economic fluctuations.

Index Funds: Bubble or Not? 📊💬

JL Collins tackles the debate on whether index funds are experiencing a bubble. This thought-provoking piece examines the growth of index fund investing and its sustainability, providing insights for investors concerned about potential market overexposure.

The Power of Quiet Compounding 🌱💹

Collaborative Fund highlights the concept of 'quiet compounding' as a potent investment strategy. Focusing on long-term gains with minimal drama, the article encourages patience and consistency in investing, emphasizing how small, steady contributions can lead to substantial growth over time.


💳 Chase INK Business Preffered - 120K Bonus

Right now the business preferred has a great bonus if you have a business or LLC. You can earn 120,000 chase points by opening this card and spending $8,000 in the first 3 months. Check it out here.

💳Capital One Venture - 75K Bonus

Earn 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening. That is 25K more than usual. Check it out here!

Disclosure: I am going to open both of these cards because these are some great deals. We do earn a commission if you use our links. Thanks for your support!

High-Performance Book Club 📚

I get a ton of questions from listeners and readers as to what I am reading. So we decided to let you know via the newsletter. The High-Performance Book Club will be a way to share this. If you want to be Elite in your career, business, or with your wealth, then welcome to the club. If you would like to see our previous picks, you can find them here.

The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million

The Personal Finance Podcast 🎙️

Should I Pay Off Student Loans OR Start Investing NOW?! - Money Q&A

How Much Should You Spend on a Family Vacation? (By Income!)

Things to Do Next ⏭️

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  4. If you want to learn our complete system on how to Invest check out our course Index Fund Pro Here!

Master Money

I teach you how to master your money in less than 5 minutes per week. I am the host of The Personal Finance Podcast with 400K downloads monthly and the Founder of Master Money.

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