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Master Money

📉 When The Market Goes Down What Do You Do?

What’s Poppin’,

This is Master Money, where personal finance is less about numbers and more about living your best life.

Here’s what we have on deck today:

📗 Read: When The Market Goes Down What Do You Do?

🎙️ Listen: The 1-3-6 Method For Building & Managing Your Emergency


📉 When The Market Goes Down What Do you Do?

The stock market took a dip this week. The Dow Jones dropped over 1,000 points, and right on cue, the media went into a frenzy.

The financial media is not your friend. They aim to do one thing: get clicks.

The problem is, for the long-term investor, this is not good because to get clicks, they have to create emotion. Unfortunately, in finance, that emotion is fear.

Warren Buffet had a mentor named Benjamin Graham, who used to explain the market in a very simple way. He called it Mr. Market.

Ol’ Mr. Market is an emotional fellow. He will react based on current events, politics, or any fear or panic the media can muster up.

This, my friends, is not the example we want to follow.

Uncle Warren has many great quotes regarding the market taking a dip. He has some of the best investing quotes of all time, one of which is:

“You must be willing to invest through thick or thin, but especially through thin.”

This tells us that we must be willing to invest when the market is down and when the market is up. Otherwise, we are just gambling.

But my favorite is:

“In the short run, the stock market is a voting machine; in the long run, the stock market is a weighing machine.”

In the short term, the stock market is just a popularity contest. It’s a place where the news of the day will cause you to panic and accidentally sell.

This is a mistake. Reacting to market fluctuations is similar to going into surgery just because you have an ant bite. It’s a small, short-term blip.

Market dips happen. Recessions happen. How you react to them is where wealth is built.

People who sell usually don’t perform well long-term. In fact, I would argue it’s a multi-million dollar mistake to sell your stocks at the wrong time, even if you don’t have much money invested.

This chart shows exactly why that is:

You can’t predict what the market will do next. Selling because of a correction or drop in stock prices is you saying to the world, “I have a crystal ball, and I know what will happen.”

Newsflash: you don’t. Nobody does.

And for those “financial gurus” who say they do and read this newsletter, shame on you. You are part of the problem.

What should you do?

Here is a list of what you should do when the market dips:

  1. Buy more
  2. Nothing

That’s it. That’s the whole list.

This is easier said than done for some, so let me help you master market downturns.

Stop consuming media.

The media will do more harm than good when the market has down days (or weeks, or months, or years). Again, they are not your friends. All they want is to create an emotional response to get your click or view.

Instead, read more books about investing. I highly recommend anything by Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger, in addition to reads like The Simple Path to Wealth, Just Keep Buying, and A Random Walk Down Wall Street. All will show you that wealth is built by waiting, not taking action.

Stop looking at your portfolio.

You know what doesn’t feel good? Opening your phone to see that you have lost thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in a day.

So the solution is simple. Don’t look. Sports fans are terrible at this. When our favorite team is playing and they are taking a good ol’ fashioned whooping, we continue to watch. We (I) just become more and more angry with each ticking second.

This is fine for sports; this is terrible for your wallet. Stop looking.

Fidelity did a study that found that their best investors with the highest returns were dead.

Take the key (password) to your portfolio and swallow it whole.

Give yourself some zoom-out therapy.

When in doubt, zoom out.

You need to constantly remind yourself that this is temporary.

How? By pulling out your trusty stock market app, setting it to the longest time horizon, and smiling from ear to ear knowing that the days will be long, but the years will be short.

But heck, you’re reading right now, so let me do it for ya:

Ain’t she a beauty? Just up and to the right.

The market will change on a daily basis. We only care about the market on a decade basis.

Automate your money

If you automate your money, it tends to help remove all the emotion from investing. Why? Because it gets you out of the equation!

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to investing. The last thing my portfolio needs is my big, clunky fingers pushing that buy button. Instead, I automate every dollar I invest into each portfolio.

It looks something like this:

  • HSA: 8% of max each month.
  • Roth: 8% of max each month.
  • 401(k): 8% of max each month.

Then I let automation do its thang, ya feel me?

“Did this guy just spell ‘thing’ as ‘thang’?”

You bet I did, dear reader, you bet I did.

I leave you with some final words of motivation. Invest like dead people and do nothing.

Today’s newsletter is brought to you by INDEX FUND PRO

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👍 Money Finds

The Logic Behind Lottery Tickets 🎫💡

Small Potatoes by Paul Bloom argues that buying lottery tickets can be a rational choice. Despite the low odds of winning, the article explores the psychological benefits of hope and excitement that lottery tickets provide. I can’t say I agree but it is an interesting perspective.

Update on Student Loan Forgiveness 💼📚

Lifehacker provides an update on the current administration’s policies regarding student loan forgiveness. Check your emails you may have forgiveness on the way!


🎉 Ally Bank just rolled out a new referral program that’s pretty straightforward and comes with some nice perks. You've got until December 31, 2024, to get in on it, and the best part? No direct deposit needed.

Here’s the deal: Sign up for the program, then open a new Ally Bank Savings Account within 30 days. You’ll need to set up and start a monthly automated transfer soon after, and keep it going for three months straight.

If you do all that, the person you referred gets a cool $100, and you’ll pocket a $50 bonus for making the referral. Plus, there’s a regular 1% bonus on deposits that works for both new and existing customers, so if that offer pops back up, you could double-dip on the benefits.

Here is my link.

🛍️ Tax-free shopping days are popping up in several states, perfect timing for back-to-school shopping. These special days let you skip the sales tax on things like clothes, school supplies, and even computers in some places. Here’s the scoop on where and when you can catch these breaks in 2024:

  • Connecticut: Get ready from August 18 to 24. Snag tax-free deals on clothes and shoes priced under $100.
  • Florida: From July 29 to August 11, you can pick up personal-use computers for less than $1,500, clothes under $100, school supplies under $50, and learning aids under $30, all without the tax.
  • Massachusetts: Mark your calendar for August 10 and 11. Almost anything you buy up to $2,500 is tax-free.
  • Maryland: From August 11 to 17, pay no tax on clothing and shoes under $100, and even backpacks up to $40.
  • Ohio: Starts July 30 and runs until the night of August 8. Each item up to $500 skips the tax.
  • Texas: August 9 through 11, most shoes, clothes, and school supplies under $100 are off the hook for taxes, with no limit on the number of items.

High-Performance Book Club 📚

I get a ton of questions from listeners and readers as to what I am reading. So we decided to let you know via the newsletter. The High-Performance Book Club will be a way to share this. If you want to be Elite in your career, business, or with your wealth, then welcome to the club. If you would like to see our previous picks, you can find them here.

The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America

The Personal Finance Podcast 🎙️

Is NOW THE RIGHT TIME to Buy a House?! - Money Q&A

The 1-3-6 Method For Building & Managing Your Emergency Fund

Things to Do Next ⏭️

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  4. If you want to learn our complete system on how to Invest check out our course Index Fund Pro Here!

Master Money

I teach you how to master your money in less than 5 minutes per week. I am the host of The Personal Finance Podcast with 400K downloads monthly and the Founder of Master Money.

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